Monthly Archives: October 2023

Civilian Operator Tales – Castner’s Cutthroats

Back in WW2, the last great frontier of Alaska became a linchpin in the control of the Pacific War.   The Japanese already proved they could spread their forces far and wide, and an invasion of Alaska would be dire for the North American continent.

Enter Castner’s Cutthroats – an irregular military unit comprised of prospectors, hunters, trappers and fishermen – including Aleuts and Eskimos.   These men had a background in survival and rough-living, which allowed them to effectively operate in a climate and area where most couldn’t cut it.

Officially know as the 1st Alaskan Combat Intelligence Platoon (Provisional), and preferring to be called the Alaska Scouts, these men helped defeat the Japanese during the Aleutian Islands Campaign.

Here is a description:

Consisting of 65 very mobile and highly-experienced men drawn from the very kind of environment they would be working in, they tended to be native Eskimos, Aleuts, fishermen, hunters and trappers who knew how to live off the land and take care of themselves in rough and dangerous circumstances. Those characteristics plus their ability to fight and maneuver in wild country most often “lost” in freezing fogs and chilling temperatures with just the equipment that would fit in their very small packs made them some of the most dangerous guerrilla fighters in the world.

They became known as “Castner’s Cutthroats.” They carried mostly .22 caliber side arms for shooting small game, plus at least one sniper rifle; of course they were all proficient in the use of knives, which they preferred. They lived happily on fish, king crab, shell fish, ptarmigan and water fowl. With a surplus of salmon, they would dry and smoke enough to carry with them.

So what did these guys carry in the field?     Wikipedia provides a good overview:

Standard issue for Castner’s Cutthroats was a Trapper Nelson pack, hunting knife, .22LR caliber target pistol and a sniper rifle, instead of the standard issue Springfield rifle, or M1 Garand. However, when it came to firearms, personal preference was the deciding factor. Al Brattain, a crack shot, preferred the M1 Garand because its reduced recoil did not spoil his aim. Trapper Nelson packs held all their supplies for their long mountainous treks. They lived off the land, which allowed them to stay light, unlike most military units of the time. To move from island to island, the men used canoes, from which they fished for salmon. The salmon was dried and stored for the winter, furthering the unit’s ability to stay out in the field.

Alaska’s unique environment and survival challenges which demanded that the military look outside their norm to find the right men for the job.

Castner’s Cutthroats were true Civilian Operators!

E&E in a Weapon-Free Zone (WFZ)

One of the primary issues the civilian operator faces is one of legitimacy – that is the armed civilian, whether legal or para-legal, is always seen as less than his police or military counterparts – in some instances, even if the armed civilian is former military, and a combat veteran at that . . .

Of course, why not, when there are guys like this out there

The primary tool in your toolbox is of course the one between your ears.  Many articles have been written about the “grey man” approach, the idea of keeping as inconspicuous as possible to avoid issues or confrontation in the first place.   We’ll discuss this later – and it’s geographic-based corollaries – but the basic idea is to blend into your surroundings.

However, there are sometime when a civilian operator finds his- or herself in a situation where he or she needs a weapon, something to force-multiply, and the circumstances of location prohibit the most obvious examples as being possible.   Often times this is combined with the inability to blend-in – or the fact that the blending in wouldn’t make a difference.   A hostile situation on an airplane for example – in this case, the inaction or failure to act while “blending in” would be a far worse outcome than by interdicting into the situation.

So how to escape & evade in a Weapon-Free Zone (WFZ)?